Source code for moad_tools.geo_tools

# Copyright 2018 – present The UBC EOAS MOAD Group
# and The University of British Columbia

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""UBC MOAD group tools regarding gridding and geography."""

import datetime

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
import xarray as xr

[docs] def make_mapping_file( coordinate_file, mapping_file, grid_description, lon_var="nav_lon", lat_var="nav_lat", ): """Make two arrays that index from longitude and latitude to grid index The indices and information to use them are written to a netCDF file and the same values are returned by the function. :param str coordinate_file: netCDF file to read the coordinates from :param str mapping_file: netCDF file written with the index arrays :param str grid_description: name of the grid that is being mapped, to be written as a comment into the netcdf file :param str lon_var: name of longitude variable in the coordinate file :param str lat_var: name of latitude variable in the coordinate file :return: lonmin, latmin: start of the indexes dlon, dlat: step size for the indexes indexi, indexj: index arrays """ # get the coordinates coords = xr.open_dataset(coordinate_file) nav_lons = np.array(coords[lon_var][:]) nav_lats = np.array(coords[lat_var][:]) dimensions = nav_lons.shape # calculate 1/4 of the grid size dlon = ( max(abs(nav_lons[1, 1] - nav_lons[0, 0]), abs(nav_lons[0, 1] - nav_lons[1, 0])) / 4.0 ) dlat = ( max(abs(nav_lats[1, 1] - nav_lats[0, 0]), abs(nav_lats[0, 1] - nav_lats[1, 0])) / 4.0 ) # flatten the arrays, find domain corners nav_lons = np.ndarray.flatten(nav_lons) nav_lats = np.ndarray.flatten(nav_lats) lonmax, latmax = nav_lons.max(), nav_lats.max() lonmin, latmin = nav_lons.min(), nav_lats.min() # find the quarter resolution lon/lat grid lons1 = np.arange(lonmin, lonmax, dlon) lats1 = np.arange(latmin, latmax, dlat) lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons1, lats1) # set index arrays iis = np.ndarray.flatten( np.tile(np.arange(dimensions[0]), (dimensions[1], 1)).transpose() ) jjs = np.ndarray.flatten(np.tile(np.arange(dimensions[1]), (dimensions[0], 1))) # grid the indexes on the lon/lat grid indexi = interpolate.griddata( (nav_lons, nav_lats), iis, (lons, lats), method="nearest" ).astype(int) indexj = interpolate.griddata( (nav_lons, nav_lats), jjs, (lons, lats), method="nearest" ).astype(int) # write the file dims = ("index_lat", "index_lon") coords = {"index_lat": lats1, "index_lon": lons1} attrs = {"units": "None"} da = {} da["i"] = xr.DataArray( data=indexi, name="Value of I index", dims=dims, coords=coords, attrs=attrs ) da["j"] = xr.DataArray( data=indexj, name="Value of J index", dims=dims, coords=coords, attrs=attrs ) da["dlon"] = xr.DataArray( data=dlon, name="grid size in longitude", attrs={"units": "Degrees Longitude"} ) da["dlat"] = xr.DataArray( data=dlat, name="grid size in latitude", attrs={"units": "Degrees Latitude"} ) da["lonmin"] = xr.DataArray( data=lonmin, name="minimum longitude value", attrs={"units": "Degrees Longitude"}, ) da["latmin"] = xr.DataArray( data=latmin, name="minimum latitude value", attrs={"units": "Degrees Latitude"} ) data_vars = { "indexi": da["i"], "indexj": da["j"], "dlon": da["dlon"], "dlat": da["dlat"], "lonmin": da["lonmin"], "latmin": da["latmin"], } ds_attrs = { "creator_name": "MOAD Project Contributors", "institution": "UBC EOAS", "institution_fullname": "Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia", "summary": f"Mapping from lons and lats to {grid_description} grid", "source": "http:/", "history": ( f"[{'%Y-%m-%d')}] File creation." ), } ds = xr.Dataset(data_vars, coords, attrs=ds_attrs) ds.to_netcdf(path=mapping_file) return lonmin, latmin, dlon, dlat, indexi, indexj
[docs] def estimate_closest_point(dataset, lons, lats): """Estimate the closest grid point to an array of lat/lons using a index file created by make_mapping_file above :param xarray dataset: dataset :param numpy array or list: lons :param numpy array or list: lats return: numpy array of indexes: iis, jjs """ indexi, indexj = np.array(dataset["indexi"]), np.array(dataset["indexj"]) lonmin, latmin = dataset["lonmin"].values, dataset["latmin"].values dlon, dlat = dataset["dlon"].values, dataset["dlat"].values iis = indexi[ (np.round((lats - latmin) / dlat)).astype(int), (np.round((lons - lonmin) / dlon)).astype(int), ] jjs = indexj[ (np.round((lats - latmin) / dlat)).astype(int), (np.round((lons - lonmin) / dlon)).astype(int), ] return iis, jjs